[Participation Announcement] 2021 OKFriends Homecoming Teens, Youth Camp
[Participation Announcement] 2021 OKFriends Homecoming Teens, Youth Camp The Overseas Koreans Foundation was established in 1997 as an...
2021 재외동포 중고생&대학생 모국연수 참가자 모집 공고
- 참가자 모집 공고 - 2021 재외동포 중고생 및 대학생 모국연수 (2021 OKFriends Homecoming Teens, Youth Camp) 재외동포재단은 대한민국 외교부 산하 재외동포 전담기구로 1997년 설립되었으며, 전 세계...
Lakehead University - Info on Exchange Opportunities in Korea
▶ What is Exchange? Bilateral exchanges are formal partnership agreements between the university in which you attend and another...
University of Ottawa - Info on Exchange Opportunities in Korea
▶ What is Exchange? Bilateral exchanges are formal partnership agreements between the university in which you attend and another...