The 81st TOPIK - Test of Proficiency in Korean
1. Test Date: 2022. 4. 9 (Sat) 2. Test Schedule: See the table below 3. Test Location: Korean Consulate in Toronto 555 Avenue Rd, Toronto...

제 81회 한국어능력시험 시행안내
1. 시험 날짜: 2022. 4. 9 (토) 2. 시험 시간: 아래 표 참조 3. 시험 장소: 주토론토총영사관 555 Avenue Rd, Toronto ON M4V 2J7 4. 접수 기간: 2022. 1. 19 (수) - 2022. 2. 3...
![[Yonsei University] 2022 Yonsei International Summer School](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2a1d23_c07423f3beb345c6b105576f7c3bafad~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_319,h_240,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/2a1d23_c07423f3beb345c6b105576f7c3bafad~mv2.webp)
[Yonsei University] 2022 Yonsei International Summer School
Did you know that Yonsei's International Summer School Program (YISS) is one of the oldest & most diverse summer school programs in...

2022년 봄학기 온라인 한국어강좌 안내
캐나다한국교육원에서는 봄학기 온라인 한국어강좌를 실시할 예정입니다. 캐나다한국교육원 온라인 한국어강좌는 한국어 학습에 관심있는 누구나 참여가능합니다. 온라인 수강신청 - www.cakec.com/2022spring ○ 수업료 및 교재비: 등록비...

2022 Spring Virtual Korean Language Program
The Korean Education Centre is pleased to offer the Spring term virtual Korean Language Program who would like to learn the Korean...

Stories of Korea 🇰🇷 ✈️: Angela's Korea Story (KGIP Program)
Angela, a Fourth Year Psychology Student at Ryerson University, shares with us her story abroad in Korea. After winning first place in a...
![[Seoul Institute of the Arts] 2022 Regular Admissions Guide for International Students](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2a1d23_8feb5f09ea724e25bed68e032645f841~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_319,h_240,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/2a1d23_8feb5f09ea724e25bed68e032645f841~mv2.webp)
[Seoul Institute of the Arts] 2022 Regular Admissions Guide for International Students
🎨Interested in pursuing art-related fields in Korea and internationally? The Seoul Institute of the Arts is a prestigious Korean...