사이트 주소 - https://www.oct.ca/becoming-a-teacher/requirements/document-translation
You need to have documents translated if you received your education in a language other than English or French or if any of your documents (like a birth or marriage certificate) are in a language other than English or French.
For documents you submit yourself, such as a birth certificate, include the original translation with a copy of the certificate.
Some documents must be submitted to the College by a granting institution on your behalf. If the College receives a document from the granting institution that is not in English or French, we will send you a copy and you must arrange for the translation.
If you have had your transcripts or documents previously sent to World Education Services (WES) directly from the granting institution, you may request that they forward a copy of these to the College. Please contact WES for more information. Note: the College will not accept any translations provided by WES, nor any assessment of your credentials made by WES or any other organization.
When you submit the original translation to the College, include:
- a copy of the foreign-language document
- the translation
- an original statement from the translator
All translations must be accompanied by an original, signed letter from the translator indicating:
- the translation is accurate and authentic
- the translator belongs to one of the acceptable organizations (listed below)
- their identification number and/or seal
- their name, address and telephone number
- their original signature
Keep copies of what you submit as the College does not return documents.
How to Find an Accredited Translator
To obtain the name of an accredited translator, contact the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (ATIO) at 1-800-234-5030 or 613-241-2846 (email: info@atio.on.ca; website: www.atio.on.ca).
Please confirm with ATIO that the translator is certified to translate into English or French from the language of the document.
Translations completed by ATIO candidates for certification are not acceptable.
We also accept translations from:
- the consulate, high commission or embassy to Canada of the country that issued the documents; this information is available at www.international.gc.ca/protocol-protocole/reps.aspx
- a Canadian embassy, consulate, or high commission in the country from which the document comes; this information is available at international.gc.ca/world-monde/country-pays/index.aspx
- a translator who has received accreditation through a federal, provincial or municipal government in Canada
- COSTI translation services, if no other certified translator is available; COSTI-IIAS Immigrant Services at 416-658-1600, info@costi.orgor www.costi.org
- a translator certified by a professional association of translators in Canada, a list of which is available on the website of the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council at www.cttic.org
- a translator certified by The Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ), a list of which is available at www.ottiaq.org.
For more information about document translation, contact Client Services at info@oct.ca, 416-961-8800 or toll-free in Ontario at 1-888-534-2222.