사이트 주소 - https://www.oct.ca/becoming-a-teacher/requirements/mathematics-test
Ontario applicants who complete their application for a certificate of qualification and registration on or after March 31, 2020 must pass a Mathematics Proficiency Test in order to become certified, whether or not the application was started before that date. A complete application includes the receipt of all required documentation and fees by the College. Please see the Registration Guides to learn what documents and fees are required to complete your application for certification with the College.
Ontario applicants are individuals who are enrolled in, or have completed, a program of professional education in Ontario. Applicants across all subjects and grades must pass the test. There are no equivalencies or exemptions.
IET applicants who complete their application for a certificate of qualification and registration on or after March 31, 2020, whether or not the application was started before that date, are required to pass a Mathematics Proficiency Test within two years of being granted their initial certification by the College. Otherwise, their certificate will expire and they will be ineligible to teach in Ontario until they pass the test and meet all other applicable certification requirements. A complete application includes the receipt of all required documentation and fees by the College. Please see the Registration Guides to learn what documents and fees are required to complete your application for certification with the College.
IET applicants are individuals who completed a program of professional education outside of Canada, which led to certification to teach in that jurisdiction. IET applicants across all subjects and grades must pass the test. There are no equivalencies or exemptions.
Applicants who hold a teaching certificate from a Canadian province or territory outside Ontario are covered under the Ontario Labour Mobility Act, and are not required to write the Mathematics Proficiency Test in order to become certified.
Applicants are encouraged to review the FAQs providing further information about the math test requirement. Applicants are invited to check the College website frequently for updates.
Questions about the Mathematics Proficiency Test as a College certification requirement can be directed to the College at (416) 961-8800 and info@oct.ca. Questions about the content and development of the test can be communicated to the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) at 1-888-327-7377 or info@eqao.com. Once available, the Mathematics Proficiency Test will be administered by Ontario faculties of education. Further information about the administration of the test will be provided as soon as it is available. For information about Ontario’s efforts to strengthen math skills for all students in Ontario, please visit the Ministry of Education website.
As part of its certification responsibilities, the College will work closely with the government and EQAO to implement its new math test requirement.
The Mathematics Proficiency Test will be:
- developed by the Education Quality and Accountability Office
- administered by Ontario’s faculties of education
- comprised of multiple-choice questions
- focused on math content knowledge and math pedagogy drawn from concepts taught in both the elementary and secondary grades. This approach builds confidence that teachers are well prepared for teaching the mathematics curriculum, regardless of the grade assigned.
- available in French and English.