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2020 March Study in Korea Online Education Fair

It is our pleasure to announce that NIIED will hold the “2020 March Study in Korea Online Education Fair” for international students.

1. Name of the event: 2020 March Study in Korea Online Education Fair

2. Date: March 24th (Tue) ~ April 6th (Mon)

* Registration: March 10th(Tue) ~ April 6th(Mon)

3. Introduction of main contents

- Studying in Korea, scholarship programs, information about Korean Universities, online application, online consultation, Live Chat

4. Participating universities: 49 universities

5. How to access and join the online education fair (Please see the attachment.)

- Visit the Study in Korea website ( to select the online education fair link.

- Complete the registration and visit the website during the online education fair.


How to register“2020 March Study in Korea Online Education Fair”

1. Visit the Study in Korea

2. Click “2020 March Study in Korea Online Education Fair”

3. Click “Registration” to join the Fair. “Registration” is available from March 10th(Tue) ~ April 6th(Mon).

Please visit the education fair page during the period of March 10th(Tue) ~ April 20th(Mon). (Online consultation runs from March 10th (Tue) ~ April 6th (Mon))


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Education Affairs Section

Consulate General of

the Republic of Korea in Toronto

555 Avenue Road , Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V 2J7 

T. 416-920-3809 / F. 416-924-7305 


Copyright ⓒ Consulate General of the Republic of Korea (Education Affairs Section)

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