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2024 Recruitment Announcement for Participants in the 7thand 8th Next-Generation Overseas Koreans InvitationProgram

2024 Recruitment Announcement for Participants

in the 7th and 8th Next-Generation Overseas Koreans Invitation Program

(2024 OKFriends Homecoming Teens & Youth Camp)

We would like to invite overseas Korean youth and college (graduate) students to our proud homeland, Korea. Please participate in the 2024 invitation training for the next generation to enhance their pride as Koreans through traditional Korean culture and history experiences.

1. Overview

a. Purpose of the Program

  • To provide next-generation overseas Koreans with opportunities to experience Korea's historical and cultural excellence, fostering a stronger sense of identity and pride as Koreans.

  • To support their growth into global leaders who contribute to the realization of Korea's vision as a pivotal global nation and the common prosperity of humanity.

  • To promote bonds and unity by building networks and fostering exchanges among next-generation overseas Koreans.

b. Application Requirements

  • 7th Program (Youth): Overseas Korean youth aged 15-18 (as of January 13, 2025)

  • 8th Program (University Students): Overseas Korean university (graduate) students aged 18-25 (as of January 14, 2025)

c. Program Duration and Number of Recruitments

※ 7th: Youth, 8th: University Students

※ Domestic participants will be selected separately

d. Venue

  • Seoul metropolitan area and other regions

e. Main programs

  • opening/closing ceremony, korean traditional culture/ historical experience(K-culture), overseas korean identity development program (lecture, experience, performance), team building and recreation programs, etc.

    ※Refer to main program (draft)

2. Application

A. Application period

  • announcement date ~ Mon, Nov. 11, 2024

application deadline: 11:59 PM, Nov. 11 (KST)

B. Eligibility & Preferred applicants

  • Eligibility

    • 7th camp (teens) overseas korean teens aged 15 to 18 (as of Jan. 13, 2025)

    • 8th camp (college students) overseas korean college or graduate students aged 18 to 25 (as of Jan. 14, 2025)

    • overseas korean who have legally resided abroad for five years or more

    • overseas korean residents, overseas koreans with permanent residency, korean nationals, adoptees,children of adoptees, and children from multicultural families

    • students must be in good physical and mental health and able to participate fully in the program

  • Preferred applicants

    • Those who wrote self-introductory letters and reasons for application with enthusiasm

    • Descendants of persons of distinguished services to independence or the state

    • Those who have completed a significant amount of service in the overseas korean society or their community

C. Application method & required documents

  • Application method: applicants should visit, create an account and submit an application

Required documents

  • fill out the required fields in the online application form (Korean or english)

① Application form, personal data provision and use content form

② Self-introductory letter (korean or english)

Optional documents (upload via the website)

① Recommendation letter (principal, korean school principal or counselor)

② Proof of Descendancy from Independence Patriots or Other Relevant Documentation

Submission Guidelines

  • All documents must be uploaded via

  • It is imperative to accurately provide email addresses, phone numbers, emergency contact information, and contact details within Korea.

  • As program notifications will be communicated via email, please ensure to provide an email address that is frequently used.

  • Recommendations and ranking from the relevant diplomatic mission (for reference)

3. Selection Process and Criteria

a. Selection Process

b. Selection Criteria

  • Among applicants who have submitted all required documents:

  • Compatibility of the purpose of training with the self-introduction (background, migration history, motivation

for application, etc.)

  • Volunteer service records in the overseas Korean community or the local community (for reference)

Exclusion Criteria

  • Individuals with a weak nervous system who are receiving treatment and are at a high risk of incidents such as shock, seizures, onset of illness, or abnormal behavior during the

training schedule.

  • Individuals requiring special attention due to severe allergies, seizures, or shock related to specific foods, posing a high risk of incidents during the program duration.

  • Cases deemed inappropriate for the purpose of the training during the selection process.

4. Benefits for Participants

Flat-rate Round-trip airfare subsidy(economy class), Accommodation during the training period, Program participation fee (including fare), and Individual travel insurance subscription support

  • Airfare subsidy standard

    • Flat-rate Round-trip airfare subsidy(economy class) by region for the purpose of participating in this training

      * Airfare subsidies will be provided on the basis of the participant’s area of residence, regardless of the amount of airfare purchased

      * Airfare subsidies by region: about 50% of the round-trip airfare of each region for the training period (based on economy class)

      * Asia area A : Northeast Asia China, Japan)

      Asia area B : Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, etc) Asia area C : South-West Asia (India, Pakistan, etc.)

    • The airfare support will be provided via bank transfer, scheduled after the 7th and 8th training sessions (February 2025).

    • All training-related costs (accommodation, meals, activity experience fees, transportation, and insurance during the training period) will be fully supported.

      * There are no additional costs for participants except personal expense.

5. Confirmation of Selection Results and Inquiries

  • Confirmation of selection results.

    * Detailed information about training will be provided to the final selected candidates.

  • Individual confirmation can be checked through

    after November 22, 2024 (Friday).

  • Contact Information (Overseas Koreans Cooperation Center)

- 2024 7th Next Generation Overseas Koreans Invitation Program(Youth)

- 2024 8th Next Generation Overseas Koreans Homeland Invitation Program (University Students)

- Koreannet Application System

* About Application System, Related to creating account in Koreannet and etc.

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Education Affairs Section

Consulate General of

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T. 416-920-3809 / F. 416-924-7305 


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