Notice of 2022 Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) Program for Master or Ph.D. degrees
The Korean Government Scholarship Program is designed to provide higher educational opportunities for international students in Korea, with the aim of promoting international exchange in education, as well as mutual friendship amongst the participating countries.
This Scholarship Program invites four Canadian nationals(general quota: 3, overseas Korean quota: 1) for “the 2022 Global Korean Government Scholarship Program for International Students for Graduate Degrees”(Embassy Track), to be conducted in Korea from 2022 to 2025 or 2026 (Master's Degree Program: 1 year of Korean Language Training + 2 years of Degree Program, Doctoral Degree Program: 1 year of Korean Language Training + 3 years of Degree Program ).
* Please note that 2 candidates from Quebec is assigned separately and will be recommended by the Consulate General in Montreal. For detailed information for 2022 GKS for Quebec, please contact the Consulate General in Montreal.
The deadline for the application is Tuesday, March 15, 2022. (For mail-in applications, the application must arrive by the date of the deadline.)
※ If submission of the documents which are required to get document confirmation from one of Korean Embassy or Consulates General are not available by the application deadline, you can submit copies of the documents first by March 15 for your application review. However, the original documents which have been documents confirmed from the Korean Embassy or Consulates General must be submitted by Wednesday, March 23. (If the original documents which have been documents confirmed from one of Korean Embassy or Consulates General are not submitted by Wednesday, March 23, the applicants are excluded from consideration for review and recommendation)
- For the process of document confirmation, please contact your local Embassy or Consulate General in Canada.
Please submit your application documents by mail or in person to: 150 Elgin Street, Unit 101, Ottawa, ON K2P 1L4 (KOREAN CULTURAL CENTER)
For the detailed application guidelines, please refer to the attachments(files) or the GKS website:
※Contact Information
- GKS officer(Korean Cultural Center/Embassy) : (email) or 1-613-233-8008 (phone)
- GKS centre, NIIED :
